Art in Wetlands

Sharing nature through art

Paint along with Pui San January 20, 2014

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but seeing with new eyes..Marcel Proust

When I needed  inspiration to make another sense of a familiar landscape I am reminded of this wise saying by Proust.ImageImageImage

The next outdoor session will be conducted on 26 Jan 2014, from 0830 to 1130, at the mani brig=dge  and the Main Bird Hide.



Sungei Buloh Wetlands January 16, 2014

Filed under: Daily Inspiration,Uncategorized — artinwetlands @ 12:30 am

Buloh right bankSungei Buloh Wetlands.

Our gem in the midst of a bustling city, Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve.

This wonderful rainforest deserves a greater awareness and appreciation by all.

It is a rare sight to savour and to enjoy.


Sungei Buloh Wetlands

Sungei Buloh Wetlands

My first plein air painting of the year, done with an old set of Holbein cake colours ( 25 years vintage), and the black ink painting with a modern brush pen. Looking back 12years, this familiar scene had been a constant source of inspiration for my artworks, and still counting. More to come. Tham Pui San , 16 Jan 2014.