Art in Wetlands

Sharing nature through art

Sungei Billabong, 17 YEARS AGO October 28, 2019

Posted here is a scene, viewing outwards from Sungei Buloh at the mouth of Sungei Billabong in 2002.

A dying Sonneratia Alba standing defiantly against time and tide on a shallow sand bank. Veterans of  this wetland  reserve may recall its last stand there from platform #1. Its long gone now, water currents and  consequent erosion took its toll. It exists now as a nostalgic memory and this painting.

On Deepavali Day 28, 2019 Oct I conducted my monthly outdoor sketching session there. Picked out two “attractive” scenes to demo to my students. No arresting visual element to use as the subject. The river mouth had lost a defining landmark not so long ago. So I make do with a nearby mangrove tree and a distant coastal scene from neighbouring Johor